Source: Hartlepool Mail

Source: Hartlepool Mail

It’s a Prince…George

The Great Kate Wait is over
The throne’s latest heir is here
After 11+ hours of labour
The Duchess, at last, holds baby near

A baby son and Prince, no less
So the Buck House easel announces
Weighing in at a considerable
8lbs and 16ounces

Everybody was astonished at this
(On an afternoon so very hot)
For her pregnancy Kate merely looked like
A piece of string tied in a knot

Even late into her pregnancy
No Royal engagements did she shirk:
And just like any other commoner
Only the month before did she stop work

Driving without a police escort
To the hospital she made her way
After a long nine months of waiting
This was to be a Princely day

The Duke of Cambridge becomes the first
Royal husband to attend a birth
Supporting wife in her needy hour
Showing us all just what he’s worth

All those years ago they dated
Sometime later they got engaged
The inevitable wedding then came along
Now another Royal event is staged

They’re truly now a Royal Family
Succession assured for 100 years
Tributes flood in from everywhere
Delighted folk are quaffing beers

Kate’s parents came to visit baby:
The first Grandparents to arrive
People tried to guess his sex
Bets on his name were in overdrive

Prince George has titles aplenty:
Prince of Cambridge is just one
In Scotland he’s Master of Strathearn
But Baby Cambridge is the cutest one

Babes born today – money’s coming your way
But not the kind they print
Instead, a silver penny’s being given
By our own generous Royal Mint

Baby Cambridge has the best of starts:
His Dad is an honourable man
His Mother too is intelligent
And of course there’s his famous Gran

We wish you well our newborn Prince
May you live long, strong and reign
If you inherit half Diana’s common touch
Forever in our hearts, you will remain

Happy Birthday!!